Monday, 7 September 2015

COMPETITION - Zero Waste Week 2015

Due to sickness, a lack of clarity on my part and no entries we're extending the deadline for the opportunity to win a copy of 'Nappy Free Baby' to next Thursday 24 September at 12 noon.  We just want you to post a comment below this blog post, your favourite way to reduce waste - eg reusable nappies.  As comments don't come with your email address please send an email to to let us know you've posted.   Alternatively you could post on our Facebook page.

There are so many ways in which we could easily reduce waste without any effect on our quality of life, just by doing things differently.  Of course we love real nappies (which prevent 4.5-7,000 disposable nappies per baby going to landfill or incineration)  but we want to hear what else you do - or would like to do if you could. 

The prize?  A copy of Amber Hatch's wonderful book
Don't forget to send us an email to let us know your email address.  We will make a draw and let you know.   NB we will only post the prize to an address within the UK.
If you want to find out more about the prize visit


  1. I reduce waste by using reusable nappies, recycling and by keeping a compost heap on my allotment.

  2. I prefer doing it old-fashioned way, like my mother taught me. Anyway, I'm going to buy the book and discover lots of interesting) I've read really good description here freelance house

  3. I take my Ecover washing up bottle to The People's Supermarket to be refilled. I also try not to buy bottles of water but refill when I see a tap/water fountain. I just wish it wasn't so hard. All over London you see public water taps that no longer work.

  4. I use reusable nappies and washable wipes.
    And a flannel to wash baby's face after eating.
    And when its warm enough, I feed baby in her nappy, as this saves tonnes of washing! (although it does mean baby needs a bath, i'm sure this uses less water than the washing machine)

    And to save wasting food we eat the same meals. So one pot of porridge, risotto, etc. I take a few spoonfuls for baby. If she wants more she can have it, if not I eat the lot!

    1. Hi Frederika, You won! Please contact us if you would like the prize. Email

  5. I use reusable nappies,tap wather insted of bottled one,I plan all my weekly meals so I dont throw away any food,I wash all empty jars/plastic containers and use them in my kitchen.

  6. Okay, we're just collating the entries and we found this one from Nicky in the email inbox:
    I put my 5.5 month old son on the toilet after every feed to see if he wants to wee or poo. We are now seeing more poos than not land in the toilet. It's amazing! Less wipes, less washing of nappies & a very big grin on our 5 month old's face. It's definitely worth the effort.

  7. We have a winner! Thanks to everyone who joined in here and on Facebook. Frederika, your name has been pulled out of the bag. Congratulations! Please email with your postal; address
