Thursday, 5 March 2015

Guest Blog: Cloth nappies...

It was only a year before I had my own baby, that I held a clothed bum baby for the first time. Some ten years after my first babysitting evening! 

This memory only made me wonder why I knew so little about this world when I got pregnant. I did research a lot of stuff to keep our costs down and to be as eco friendly as I could for this new little life, but I have to say that agreeing which cloth nappies to use took me at least half of my pregnancy. The strong amoniac smell was what scared me the most. But that didn't prevent me from deciding quite early on that I had to give cloth a go. 

I finally made my mind up and chose gNappies - they are a hybrid option between cloth and disposable but with the green component present in both. The fact that they are pocket nappies gives you the freedom to stuff them with what suits you most. For me it was their biodegradable inserts for the first few weeks - the time I needed to get adjusted to this tiny little being... and to what was on her bum! I switched to cloth without too much of a hitch thank to the growing online community of cloth bum's relatives. There isn't a day that I do not witness help between complete strangers online and that still amazes me. 

My little one is now 20 months and starting to show an interest in potty training... so that makes me want to start all over again! I love seeing a cloth bum!!
Thank you for the guest blog by Nathalie Ringenbach.  A great start to our Real Nappy Week 2015 writing competition. 

1 comment:

  1. lovely article - gNappies are indeed brilliant at redefining disposable - a fabulous alternative!
