Thursday, 6 June 2013

Competition re chemical exposure during pregnancy

We are really excited that The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) has published this report on Chemical Exposures during Pregnancy: Dealing with Potential, but Unproven, Risks to Child Health.

This can only be a good thing to ensure we can all make an informed choice about exposure to the cocktail of chemicals in the environment. It's not regulation but it's the next best thing.

We want you to tell us the product you most hate, the one you think should never have been put on the market because
a) it's not necessary
b) poses a risk to human health
c) damages the environment

Please comment on this blog and then email (to enter the competition)

The prize is a copy of Healthy, Happy Baby by Pat Thomas. Former Health editor of the Ecologist she is a well respected author, journalist and broadcaster in the field of alternative and environmental health. What we love about Pat is she offers practical alternatives or simply advises; use less, buy less!

We will draw names out of a hat at 12 noon on Thursday 13 June.


  1. I think that the product that I most hate has to be the disposable nappy. It is completely unnecessary. I also hate feminine wipes and baby wipes loaded with harmful chemicals. What is wrong with a flannel, soap and water?

  2. The E Numbers and artificial junk that is added to pretty much ALL bread and baked products.
    We feed our babies and children a cocktail of rubbish in every slice of toast, sandwich or baked treat not baked at home. There are no long term studies to the damage this cocktail of chemicals will have on our children and the population as a whole after years of exposure. yet The majority of us eat these products on a regular basis!
    I refer to the anti caking agents, anti fungal agents, mould inhibitors and the like.

  3. Emailed from Nicky

    Commercial baby food which is full of sugar. Gives babies bad taste palate, yet promises mums that is is good for their baby). Even if the sugar is "natural" it is intensely strong concentrated sugar which a baby would not get from a piece of fruit (which would have skin as well).

  4. nappy sacks are useless as wwe throw away so many carrier bags and unless its soiled you can just throw a disposable nappy in the bin. Also disposible bibs, surely people can wash a bib.

  5. Aspartame! It has so many nasty side effects and after stopping drinking things with it if I drink them I find they taste foul!

  6. Parabens - use it everywhere and it's so bad for your skin and baby skin.

  7. Chemical air 'fresheners' that squirt a cocktail of chemicals into the air at regular intervals for us to breathe in, lovely!

  8. Competition over. Hannah gets the book. Congratulations! Don't stop sending in comments. It's great to share knowledge. I knew nothing about the danger of Aspartame (or even how to pronounce it) but well informed now (thnks to Yara from who shares our office). So please, do keep them coming!
