Saturday, 4 May 2013

Use it or Lose it

The future of Real Nappies for London and its voucher scheme is not guaranteed. We need to prove that there's a demand for the vouchers and it is growing. Please tell your friends about the voucher, your NCT group or midwife. Let us know of good places or people who are happy to put up posters or give out leaflets.

One of the other benefits of the scheme is that it encourages the development of real nappy networks, for example the Hackney Real Nappy Network (HRNN). This group of parents hold lots of events including the very successful Real Nappy Flashmob, to draw attention to real nappies; how great they look these days, how easy they are to use and of course the fact that they reduce waste (approx 7kg per week per baby)!

The RNfL voucher scheme also supports shops that sell real nappies, nappy laundry services and the companies that run nappy information sessions so you can see, touch and feel and ask questions about real nappies before you buy them. Please do buy from these suppliers with your voucher. They will only continue to exist if they can keep operating in this difficult economic phase. Some of you use these events for information but then look for the cheapest deal on-line. Please remember, these companies have costs to cover; rent, staff, room hire, travel to and from events with stock. We need to support them so they can continue to offer this valuable service.

Another blog that may interest you: Remember the Waste Hierarchy

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