Tuesday, 4 October 2011

It doesn't have to be all or nothing

You know real nappy users have a secret. They like to keep it quiet but I’m going to share it with you. Most real nappy users also use disposables some of the time. In fact many real nappy users use a disposable at night. Typically around 6 months when babies are about to be weaned and they are on a liquid diet. They tend to drink a lot and that means they pee a lot. So real nappy users, not being quite the martyrs they’re supposed to be use a disposable because cloth just isn’t up to the job. Some will get through this with extra cloth and bamboo boosters but I can reveal, from extensive research that many do use disposables at night during this phase.

Also, many real nappy users will put a disposable on their baby when they are out and about-especially when they know it’s not going to be easy finding somewhere to change their baby. It’s true. So don’t be put off using real nappies because you think it’s all or nothing. Parenting is tough sometimes, well a lot of the time actually and you know what’s right for you and when. No one is judging you, or if they are they’re not worth worrying about.

Do what feels good for you and your baby. And if the time is right turn away from this screen and go look at your baby: smile, kiss, laugh, hug, sing, wink, flirt, blow raspberries and just get high on your beautiful baby. And if this sounds nuts and you don’t have these feelings - a lot of the time - then please go and speak to your GP or health visitor urgently. This is a special time and you should be enjoying your baby and if you’re not then there is help out there, there's no need to be ashamed, but you need to tell someone.

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