Thursday, 12 June 2014

Don't put nappies in the mixed recycling bin

Your borough needs your help.  An increasing number of London councils have introduced mixed recycling to increase recycling rates.  But a problem has developed.  Some residents are putting single-use nappies in the mixed recycling bins.  True it does say so on some brands of nappies that they can be recycled.  However to recycle them they need to be collected separately.

The big problem with putting 'disposable' nappies with the recycling is that it contaminates all the recycling and then all the rest of the material that could have been recycled has to go to incineration.  This is clearly a big problem.  Please spread the word to friends, neighbours and other people you come across in your parenting communities:  Don't put nappies in the mixed recycling bin.

Another reason for boroughs to increase information about reusable nappies, right?