Friday, 17 January 2014

Are you fed up that your council doesn't offer an incentive to use real nappies?

You can do something about it.  It's election year in London and local councillors are in listening mode.  You can write to them or even better visit their surgery.

Mums, dads, carers, we'd really appreciate it if you could tell them that you are using/used real nappies on your baby and enjoy/ed it.  We need you to let your local councillor know that, despite the washing, it makes you feel really good to put out less waste.  If you visit his/her surgery take along a nappy to show them - it's amazing how few people know what modern cloth nappies look like - even better, your baby wearing one!

Your councillor needs to know you are happy to use cloth nappies and that by using them you personally are reducing the cost of waste disposal.  They need to find out that cloth nappies work, don't leak, save you money and can help toddlers make the transition to pants earlier and more easily.

Please also mention that Real Nappies for London offers a service that enables local authorities in London to promote real nappies at a low cost to them with almost no work for their officers.  Please also mention the need for more nappy libraries to help people try before they buy.  If you use a nappy laundry service, tell her/him about that.  If your child's nursery is happy to use real nappies mention that.

Let's get real nappies on their radar in a positive way.  At the moment politicians avoid the subject.  If enough of you do it we can make a difference.

We'd especially like Barnet, Enfield and Waltham Forest residents to do this.  You have the NLWA Cashback but it's not very well promoted.  

To send an email to your local councillor click here

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Vaccination - the question

At RNfL we can't claim to have any expertise on this subject.  However we are aware that it's difficult (as with nappies) to make an informed choice.  So we are publicising this event in London.  

Vaccination – The Question


Date:                     Monday 27th January 2014

Time:                    6.30pm – 8.30pm  (Please arrive by 6.15pm)

Location:             CNM, 41 Riding House Street, London W1W 7BE (Nearest tube Oxford Circus)

Entry:                    £10 per person

GP & Homeopath, Dr Jayne Donegan was a former strong supporter of the UK’s Universal Childhood Vaccination Programme, but her subsequent research led her to change her opinion.   In this seminar Dr Donegan will address:

·         Factors key to decreases in deaths from childhood diseases.

·         Efficacy of common childhood vaccinations.

·         Safety risks versus benefits of modern vaccinations.

·         How government & pharmaceutical companies manage vaccine data.

·         What historical evidence  tells us about protecting children’s health today.


Book on line or call 01342 410 505    This is the link to use )

Monday, 6 January 2014

A Nappy Day Out | Real Nappy Flashmob

On Tuesday 11th December 2013 parents and supporters joined the #realnappyflashmob to raise awareness of reusable nappies on the same day as the publication of the first ever Waste Prevention Programme for England.

Meeting at St Pancras International by the John Betjeman Statue, we were welcomed by the official station photographer who has written a great blog about it.

© Tina Aileen Au

© Sam Lane Photography

and off we went meeting more parents on the way...

© Tina Aileen Au

Congregating outside Kings Place, the group proceeded inside to roll out the 'Real Nappies, Real Change' banner and attempt to have a dance and picture by the banner...

© Tina Aileen Au

The security weren't too impressed but this did not dampen our spirits...

© Tina Aileen Au

© Tina Aileen Au

For the flashmob's last stop (although losing a few people on the way), the group set off towards Granary Square, home to the University of Arts London and a short walk away from the Kings Cross Skip Garden run by Global Generation. A nice way to end the afternoon with tea and a log fire in the yurt...

© Tina Aileen Au

© Tina Aileen Au
© Tina Aileen Au

© Global Generation

A big thank you to everyone who came along and supported the #realnappyflashmob!  If you would like to get involved with future Real Nappies for London events please see our volunteer page.

Thank you also to Tina at The Snapshot Cafe who kindly volunteered her time to take the official pictures of the day.

Till next time!