Thursday, 21 November 2013

Real Baby Hubs for London | #EWWR2013 Competition

It's European Week for Waste Reduction so we're running a competition. Make a suggestion below and you can win an Ecoegg - great for washing nappies and reducing packaging waste.

This is what we want you to do. Imagine you're sitting round the kitchen table with a group of friends - like these mums did 20 years ago.

You've decided your area of London needs a place where new parents can go to hang out together with their babies/toddlers, get information about real nappies, potty training, breastfeeding and what else? Would you like a local Real Baby Hub with a sewing machine so you can drop by and repair something? A computer you can use while someone holds your baby? Perhaps a bit like Nappy Ever After - but with sofas and nothing to sell - well maybe liners, coffee, smoothies and ???

Tell us what would happen at your dream local Real Baby Hub. If there's an empty shop nearby that would make a great Real Baby Hub tell us the address too. When would it be open?

Our dream is that Mary Portas will stumble across this page with all your brilliant ideas and help us make them happen. Is it a good use for an empty shop?

Please note: after you've submitted your idea please send an email to titled 'ecoegg' so we know you want to enter the competition. Please send emails by 12 noon Thursday 28 November to be eligible to win the prize.

Monday, 18 November 2013

Invest in a potty

Are you one of those parents that doesn't want to use washable nappies? Don't worry, you can still make a difference and save money. This European Week for Waste Reduction (16-24 November) let's talk about toilet training.

Did you know that since disposables became the norm children come out of nappies about one to two years later than they used to?

Before disposables became the norm most children were out of nappies by two during the day and three years old during the night. That's a lot more waste going to landfill and incineration - and a lot more resources in the manufacture and transportation of single-use nappies that are actually not necessary!

So if you want to make life easier (for yourself and child), save money and reduce waste, invest in a potty. According to child continence experts your child should be sitting on a potty from one year at the latest - just to get used to it. It's through toilet training that children develop bowel and bladder control so the earlier the better. For more information on how to potty training see this post: New thoughts on Potty Training.

This post may also be of interest: Are potty training methods in the West ...

Thursday, 14 November 2013

What's life like for London parents at the moment?

When we start a family we tend to find we have less money. It's time to think smart: spend less and live differently.

We're in the early days of designing a new project with the Women's Environmental Network (WEN) to help new parents in London find out how to buy less, waste less, save money and make money. Have your heard of the Transition Town Network? It's brought people together locally to learn new skills, insulate their homes, make friends, save money and live more sustainably. We think that London parents need something like this.

We're thinking that every borough needs a sling library, a nappy library, regular baby clothes swap events. What else? A work hub with a crèche? Ways to make money and look after your baby at the same time?

What's already happening in your area? Was it easy to find out? We're looking at starting a project that can help expectant and new parents buy second-hand, get creative or build a community that will support them in the early days and years of starting a family. We're looking for individuals who want to make things happen in their area or need help with funding to offer services to expectant and new parents on low incomes.

What should we call it? Do you want to get involved?