Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Would you pay for real nappy advice?

At Real Nappies for London we don't just want you to buy real nappies and we don't  just want you to use them:  we want you to LOVE real nappies and the whole experience of changing your baby through to potty training.  That's why we want you to choose the right nappies for you.  We encourage you to buy your first set of nappies or a trial kit face-to-face so you can see, touch and talk about real nappies with an experienced user and make the right choice for you and your baby. 

What we ask is that you think about the person who is 'giving' you their time.  If they give you good advice please  also buy from them.  Sure, you may be able to get a special deal from an on-line seller who doesn't have so many costs, but please do think about the people lining up behind you who need advice and guidance too.  If the face-to-face nappy sellers do not sell enough they will have no option but to start charging for their time.